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Protège l'acheteur en cas de perte d'emploi involontaire ou en cas de décès accidentel. Protect the buyer in case of loss of employment or accidental death.

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La protection domiciliaire couvre l’acheteur en défrayant les coûts des réparations survenues suite à une défectuosité ou un bris soudain des appareils, systèmes ou divers équipements. Homebuyer protection covers the buyer by paying the costs of repairs following a malfunction or sudden breakdown in the appliances,systems or equipments.

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La Protection-propriétaire protège le vendeur contre le défaut des promettants-acquéreurs de conclure la vente. Homeowner Protection is a free program that protects the seller against failure by promisor-buyers to conclude the sale.

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While we're here

To ensure good communication between you and your broker,
it is important to regularly check your spam folder.

The first step would be to authorize emails from pmasson@viacapitale.com.

To learn more about the configuration of antispam filters, click here.

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